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Charlotte Capitanchik

Charlotte Capitanchik

Postdoctoral Research Associate at UK DRI at King's College London

Charlotte is a computational RNA biologist currently working on studies of RNA-binding protein networks in pre-mRNA splicing regulation with Professor Jernej Ule at UK DRI King's College London, having recently returned from a brief stint at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. Previously she completed a PhD at the Francis Crick Institute with Professor Ule and Professor Nicholas Luscombe, with a focus on building computational tools to accelerate and widen access to analysis of CLIP-Seq data. At the Crick she developed a passion for hackathons, co-organising the Crick Data Challenge #2 and #3. She also works part time with the scientific software company Goodwright, working to increase accessibility of cutting edge bioinformatics software via the platform.