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Edmund Miller

Edmund Miller

PhD Candidate at the University of Texas at Dallas

Edmund Miller is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Functional Genomics Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas. His research focus is on nascent transcript identification, in an effort to identify regulatory regions of the genome on a large scale. Since joining nf-core in 2020, he's been involved in an eclectic group of nf-core projects, from testing, to subworkflows, and couple of other pipelines. After becoming a maintainer in 2022, His current focus is on the maintaining nascent and demultiplex pipelines. Edmund will be presenting a talk titled "nf-test at nf-core: Empowering Scalable and Streamlined Testing" at the Nextflow Summit Barcelona and a talk titled "Nextflow and Database Uses: Powering Data Engineering, Exploring DuckDB, and Beyond" at the Nextflow Summit Boston.

12:15 - 12:30 PM (15 min)

nf-test at nf-core: empowering scalable and streamlined testing

Edmund Miller
Edmund Miller

Oct 20, 2023, 12:15 PM CET
