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Felipe Almeida

Felipe Almeida

Senior Bioinformatician at ZS

Felipe has a background in designing NGS/OMICS pipelines and computational microbiology. He is also an active member of nf-core (@fmalmeida), providing contributions and support to the nf-core community. At ZS, Felipe provides expert support on Nextflow pipeline development internally and externally and leads the implementation of various pipelines. Felipe is presenting a talk titled "Driving Discovery: contributing to the nf-core project through client collaboration".

10:00 - 10:30 AM (30 min)

Driving discovery: contributing to the nf-core project through client collaboration

Felipe Almeida
Juliet Frederiksen
Felipe Almeida & Juliet Frederiksen

Oct 20, 2023, 10:00 AM CET
