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Manasa Surakala

Manasa Surakala

Omics Product Analysis Lead at AstraZeneca UK Ltd

Manasa Surakala is a dedicated Bioinformatician and accomplished leader, currently spearheading the product chapter within the Omics Platform at AstraZeneca. With a profound commitment to advancing scientific discovery, she collaborates across diverse therapy areas to establish a robust omics data ecosystem for bioinformaticians and scientists. A distinguished alumna of IIT Madras, Manasa holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Biotechnology, specializing in Computational Systems Biology. Beyond her professional endeavors, Manasa's passions thrive. An avid cyclist and enthusiastic traveler, she seeks new horizons both on and off the road. Her intellectual curiosity is further evident through her love for literature, while her creative spirit finds expression in her mastery of fusion dance, seamlessly blending Indian traditions with freestyle elements. Manasa will present a talk titled "Enabling AZ Bioinformatics with Nextflow/Nextflow Tower".

11:15 - 11:30 AM (15 min)

Enabling AZ bioinformatics with Nextflow/Nextflow Tower

Manasa Surakala
Manasa Surakala

Oct 20, 2023, 11:15 AM CET
