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Steven Manos

Steven Manos

Associate Director of Cyberinfrastructure at Australian BioCommons

Dr. Steven Manos completed his PhD in Physics at the University of Sydney in 2006, and then spent four years at University College London as postdoctoral researcher working on brain haemodynamics and cancer data visualisation and management. During 2010-2016 he led the Research Computing Services division at the University of Melbourne, leading the implementation of the NeCTAR cloud, the world’s first federated OpenStack-based clouds for research. He now heads up cyberinfrastructure at a national scale through the Australian BioCommons, working towards building a national policy and infrastructure landscape which strongly supports data intensive life sciences research. Steven will present a talk titled "The National Nextflow Tower Service for Australian researchers".

3:15 - 3:30 PM (15 min)

The National Nextflow Tower Service for Australian researchers

Steven Manos
Steven Manos

Oct 18, 2023, 3:15 PM CET
