Announcing Java-Native nf-quilt: versioned and verified data inputs and outputs for Nextflow
Ernest Prabhakar, Aneesh Karve, and Dima Ryazanov
Announcing nf-quilt 1.0 with Java-native support for versioning input and output datasets for Nextflow with Quilt. Together Nexflow and Quilt provide users with an open platform for reproducible science. Quilt’s data versioning and Nextflow’s reproducible pipelines allow users to run any version of a pipeline against current and past versions of a dataset and to trace the lineage of every result.
This talk will show how Nextflow users can use nf-quilt to version pipeline inputs and package pipeline outputs into labeled, findable, and queryable datasets. We will provide examples of running pipelines against multiple versions of a dataset, querying pipeline outputs on metadata tags across multiple runs, and automatically producing documentation with integrated reports and visualizations.