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Kathryn Gorski

Kathryn Gorski

Bioinformatics Analyst at Weill Cornell Medicine

Kathryn Gorski develops and executes Nextflow pipelines as a bioinformatics analyst with the Englander Institute of Precision Medicine at Weill Cornell. She studied molecular biology with the goals of being a bench scientist at Stony Brook University and Hampshire College until she opted to shift into the computational realm. She completed her Masters in Bioinformatics at NJIT, where she integrated her biology experience with deeper studies in computer science, statistics and machine learning; and wrote a thesis on the transcriptomics of schizophrenia. As a regular user of Nextflow, Kathryn is interested in the automation and optimization of Nextflow pipelines and has been working to incorporate additional tools to enhance and improve her everyday workflow. Kathryn will be presenting a talk titled "An event-driven solution to integrate pipeline executions within complex informatics infrastructures".