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Maxime Garcia

Maxime Garcia

Bioinformatician at Seqera

Maxime has PhD in #Bioinformatics from #Marseille 🇫🇷. He is now based in #Stockholm 🇸🇪, working remotely for #Seqera labs in #Barcelona 🇪🇸. He develops nf-core pipelines, mainly Sarek, and is a member of the nf-core core team. Maxime will present a talk titled "Annotation cache: using nf-core/modules and Seqera Platform to build an AWS open data resource" in Barcelona and a talk titled "nf-core/sarek - evolution of a community pipeline started in 2016" in Boston.

3:45 - 4:00 PM (15 min)

Annotation cache: using nf-core/modules and Seqera Platform to build an AWS open data resource

Maxime Garcia
Maxime Garcia

Oct 19, 2023, 3:45 PM CET
