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Sam Minot

Sam Minot

Associate Director, Data Science Applications at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Samuel Minot received his PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012 studying the viruses of the human gut microbiome by high-throughput metagenomic sequencing. Dr. Minot works now at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center (Seattle, USA) as Associate Director of the Data Core, applying new technologies to accelerate the scientific computing of biomedical researchers. Workflow managers (like Nextflow) are foundational tools that Dr. Minot uses to augment the scalability and reproducibility of the researchers he serves. Using both on-premise computing clusters and cloud-based computing service providers, automation via workflow managers provides a convenient interface for containerization of dependencies, formalization of complex workflows, and logging of analysis behavior. When he isn't building workflows or pursuing his own research questions on the gene-level diversity of the human microbiome, Sam likes to explore the mountains and lakes of the Pacific Northwest with his family and friends. Sam will present a talk titled "Analyzing, Sharing, and Visualizing Scientific Data with the Cirro Data Platform".