nf-validation: a Nextflow plugin to validate pipeline parameters and input files
Júlia Mir Pedrol, Nicolas Vannieuwkerke, Kevin Menden, and Phil Ewels
nf-validation is a Nextflow plugin to empower developers with ensuring data integrity and consistency before pipeline execution with only a few lines of code, mitigating potential errors and complications downstream.
Nextflow offers the use of parameters that allow configuration adjustments during runtime. However, validating these parameters often demands a substantial amount of code from developers. nf-validation addresses this challenge by using a JSON schema. Developers can create schema files using automated CLI tooling and a graphical web interface, available through nf-core tooling. This JSON schema not only simplifies the management of input parameters but also facilitates the generation of documentation and help text.
nf-validation also incorporates the possibility to validate diverse data files, such as sample sheets in tsv, csv, or yaml formats. Furthermore, nf-validation converts validated data files into Nextflow channels, reducing the amount of external code when processing input data.

Júlia Mir Pedrol
Bioinformatician at Quantitative Biology Center - University of Tübingen