Oct 31 , 12:15 - 13:00

Solving the 'blank page problem' in bioinformatics

Seqera co-founder and CEO, Evan Floden, will unveil the Seqera vision for addressing the 'blank page problem' in data analysis. It’s commonly understood that all science is built on top of the works of others, yet that is often easier said than done; Seqera aims to make it exceedingly simple. Built on the deep knowledge of high-throughput analysis from developing Nextflow, Seqera makes scientific data analysis accessible at any scale. By providing convenient access to the essential building blocks of your analysis—code, data, and environments—Seqera removes the daunting barrier of starting from scratch. It consolidates fragmented data and diverse computing resources into a unified control plane, enabling teams to rapidly develop, test, and deploy collaboratively while maintaining deep insights into resource usage and leveraging intelligent scaling tools. Seqera represents the future of modern software engineering for science, making research scalable, flexible, and collaborative.
