Oct 31 , 15:30 - 16:30
nf-core/sammyseq: A new pipeline for Sequential Analysis of MacroMolecules accessibilitY sequencing
Over the past decade, the study of genome structural organization has progressed swiftly due to advancements in high-throughput technologies. The role of chromatin organization is only starting to reveal its importance in timely regulation of gene expression as its aberrant alterations have in many pathologies. The SAMMY-seq (Sequential Analysis of Macro Molecule accessibility sequencing) is an innovative technique based on the separation of chromatin in fractions, each progressively based on their solubility and accessibility, and extraction and sequencing of the DNA present in each of them. Unlike other methods, SAMMY-seq does not require crosslinking or antibodies, can help reconstructing active and inactive chromatin compartments, and is relatively cost-effective.
Here we present nf-core/sammyseq, the first Nextflow pipeline for SAMMY-seq analysis implemented using the community standards and best practices for reproducibility and portability.
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Lucio Di Filippo, Emanuele Di Patrizio Soldateschi, Ugo Iannacchero, Giovanni Lembo, Cristiano Petrini, Eva Pinatel, Elisa Salviato, Ilario Tagliaferri, Francesco Ferrari, Chiara Lanzuolo, Margherita Mutarelli