Mariangela Santorsola

Mariangela Santorsola

Junior Assistant Professor at the University of Pavia
Mariangela is a Junior Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics in the laboratory of Computational Genomics led by Professor F Lescai. She developed an interest in the highly interdisciplinary field of Bioinformatics during her graduate studies in Biological Sciences. She holds a PhD in Bioinformatics, focusing on the investigation of mitochondrial variations in human health and disease, by NGS data. After completing her PhD, she moved to ITB-CNR, working on a metabarcoding project. In the following years, she worked as a postdoc fellow at the LNCIB and at the DSV, University of Trieste, where she was involved in the characterization of patient-derived tumor tissues and organoids, with omics data. She is fascinated with the complexity of the information encoded by the Human genome and still to be unmasked through the analysis of large-scale genomic datasets.
