Colby T. Ford

Colby T. Ford

Principal Consultant at Tuple - The Cloud Genomics Company, Author of "Genomics in the Azure Cloud" (O'Reilly, 2022)
Dr. Colby T. Ford is a computational biologist and cloud AI architect at Tuple who specializes in building cloud-based solutions for the life sciences. He's the author of "Genomics in the Azure Cloud" (O'Reilly, 2022) and is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional awardee for his work relating to bioinformatics in the Azure cloud. Outside of his consulting work, he is a visiting scholar at UNC Charlotte’s CIPHER research center where he works in infectious diseases, protein modeling, AI-based drug discovery, and more.


09:30 - 09:45

Building Enterprise-Grade Bioinformatics Pipelines using Cloud-Scale Kubernetes