Evan Floden

Evan Floden

CEO & co-founder of Seqera
Evan Floden is CEO and co-founder of Seqera and an early member of the Nextflow project. He holds a Doctorate in Biomedicine from Universitat Pompeu Fabra for the large-scale deployment of analyses and is the author of 14 peer-reviewed articles. Prior to his PhD, Evan obtained a BSc in Biotechnology from Victoria University developing a tissue bioscaffold platform used in over 1 million patient procedures to date. At Aroa Biosurgery he supported early product development including FDA approval and growth from a five-person team to IPO. Combining a passion for computing and biology, Evan completed an MSc in Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna before joining the Pfam team at the Sanger Institute. During his doctoral studies at the Centre for Genomic Regulation, he began working on Nextflow and co-founded Seqera.
