#8nf-core as the standard for BovReg reference pipelines
The BovReg project is a consortium that aims at functionally annotating the cattle genome. Analysis pipelines of such genomic consortia tend to be difficult to re-use, due to poor computational practices, leading to irreproducible analyses. We adopted nf-core as our computational standard, a community-driven collection of curated Nextflow pipelines, defined around a precise pipeline development standard that guarantees reproducibility, portability, interoperability and a unified minimal functionality. Even though the development of novel, nf-core compliant pipelines is supported, BovReg partners typically use or extend existing nf-core pipelines. Notably, the other EuroFAANG projects, GENE-SWitCH and AQUA-FAANG, adopted this approach, resulting in a collegiate developers’ working group that includes nf-core members. This approach aids BovReg’s secondary aim of producing a set of bioinformatics reference pipelines that will become a long-lasting resource for the community.