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Mike Smoot
Mike Smoot

Oct 14, 2022, 10:00 AM CET

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Nextflow, Kubernetes, and DRAGENs, Oh My!


Illumina is using Nextflow to orchestrate on-premises clinical applications available with the NovaSeqDX sequencer. We leverage the DRAGEN Bio-IT accelerated computing system within a Kubernetes environment to rapidly execute workflows on sequencing data as it is produced. Nextflow workflows are bundled into “apps” that include workflow parameter definition and automatic UI generation that is seamlessly integrated with sequencing run planning. Apps are currently only available from Illumina, but we ultimately expect to include apps developed by third parties. All components of the system are designed to meet the FDA’s IVD (in-vitro diagnostic) standard. This talk will describe the different components of the system and how they interact to rapidly deliver clinical diagnostic reports.

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Mike Smoot

Mike Smoot

Principal Software Engineer at Illumina
