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Brendan Bouffler

Brendan Bouffler

Head of Developer Relations, HPC Engineering at Amazon Web Services

Brendan Bouffler has 25 years of experience in the global tech industry creating large-scale systems for HPC environments. He’s been responsible for designing and building thousands of systems for researchers and engineers, in every continent. Many of these efforts fed the top500 list, including some that made the top 5.

After leading the HPC organization in Asia for a hardware maker, Brendan joined Amazon in 2014 when it became clear to him that cloud would become the exceptional computing tool the global research & engineering community needed to bring forward the discoveries that would change the world for us all.

He holds a degree in Physics and an interest in testing several of its laws as they apply to bicycles. This has frequently resulted in hospitalization. He is based in London.

6:30 - 7:00 PM (30 min)

Using cloud can speed up your time to science. Why every scientist (and citizen) should care.

Brendan Bouffler
Brendan Bouffler

Oct 12, 2022, 6:30 PM CET

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