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Cédric Notredame

Cédric Notredame

Senior Principal Investigator at the Center for Genomic Regulation

Cédric Notredame has been a senior principal investigator at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, since 2007. His main interests lie in the development of novel algorithms for the multiple comparison of evolutionarily related sequences. He is the leading author of T-Coffee (, a popular multiple sequence alignment packages. More recently Cedric’s group developed an interest for computational reproducibility that led to the development of Nextflow ( Cedric is also well known for having co-authored the book “bioinformatics for Dummies”. Over the last 30 years, Cedric has contributed more than 100 publications in peer review journals that have received close to 40,000 citations. His latest challenge has been the launching of NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics (, a sister title of Nucleic Acids Research with a strong focus on in-silico reproducibility.

Cédric will be presenting his work titled “New pipeline resources for reproducible analysis”.

3:30 - 3:45 AM (15 min)

New pipeline resources for reproducible analysis

Cédric Notredame
Cédric Notredame

Oct 13, 2022, 3:30 PM CET

Watch on Youtube