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Florian Heyl

Florian Heyl

Bioinformatician at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Florian Heyl studied Bioinformatics in Germany and continued to do his Dr. rer. nat. in the same field at the University of Freiburg, where he worked on RNA-protein interactions. During this time, he came into close contact with the open-source project Galaxy and a world to share software and data in life science. He was soon fascinated by the idea to provide a service to help people with their research and development. At the GHGA he took the role as a bioinformatician and scientific workflow engineer to pursue this vision. Florian is responsible to implement tools and standardize workflows that will soon be part of the GHGA to assist with projects in cancer and rare diseases. He joined the Nextflow community with the focus on single cell and multiome data analysis to solve this task.

Florian will be presenting his work titled “Computational analysis of single cell data with the nf-core workflows scrnaseq 2.0 and scatac”.