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Júlia Mir Pedrol

Júlia Mir Pedrol

Bioinformatician at the Quantitative Biology Center, University of Tübingen

Júlia Mir Pedrol is a Bioinformatician at the Quantitative Biology Center at the University of Tübingen, working as a Python developer for nf-core tools and involved in the development of a pipeline for CRISPR-Cas9 analysis.

Before joining the nf-core team, Júlia worked as a Bioinformatics Scientist at the Translational Synthetic Biology laboratory at the Pompeu Fabra University. She worked on the analysis of NGS data from human and bacterial samples, and on the development of analysis pipelines with Nextflow.

Júlia will be presenting her work titled “Portable modules and subworkflows across pipelines”.

3:15 - 3:30 PM (15 min)

Pipeline parameter validation with the nf-core JSON schema

Júlia Mir Pedrol
Júlia Mir Pedrol

Oct 13, 2022, 3:15 PM CET

Watch on Youtube